Semiconductor/Materials Researcher
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At the moment this page has mostly historical value. At the beginning of my carrier, my interest in programming was huge. New possibilities opened by the application of PCs for scientific research were difficult to count and even to imagine. At that time I was sure that it will be possible to work parallel in my research and in software development, But soon, probably at the beginning of the 2000s, it appeared that professional programming is a separate "science" and that I am unable to follow it with required efforts. So I've stopped at the level of "Visual Basic" in Windows XP OS.
Interestingly, some of the programs made at that period I’m using up to now. For example, "Imadi" is for me the best soft for digitizing the images of graphs published in scientific manuscripts. I use it also for the extraction of volumes and areas of specific images from the photographs. As far as I'm aware "ProDam" is still used by a silicon wafer producer company for extraction of surface damage parameters from images of the wafers. Another software, "SSGOI" is used in electrical measurements. One laboratory is still using my "SR" soft to control the magnetic resonance measurements... Therefore, maybe you will also find something interesting here.
To make the dialog with potential user-helpful for both sides, I decided to change the format of this page at some moment. Now you will not be able to download the software without letting me know about your interest in it. Besides that, several programs were written during my work for "Komatsu Electronic Metals Co." and are used by another company at present. That means that the company retains rights on those programs and, although they are freeware, I should ask permission to distribute them. The distribution rules, which apply to each program, are indicated below. Clicking the program icon will open a detailed description in Acrobat format related to each program, with a brief explanation of goals, features and other details. If you will be interested in any of these programs send me a note and we will discuss how to satisfy your demands.

Komatsu Electronic Metal's proprietary software. Dials with the classification of light scattering defects detected by particle counter on the silicon wafer surface. Written in collaboration with Jarek Jablonski.