Semiconductor/Materials Researcher
• More than 35 years of experience in research of semiconductor materials: fabrication, characterization, and development of related technologies.
• Wide range of scientific interests with an emphasis on the investigation, engineering, and employment of various defects and nanostructures in semiconductors.
• Ability to improve existing material characterization methods and invent new ones.
• More than 130 publications in leading refereed international scientific journals.
• Guest editor and reviewer for Scientific Journals.
• Contributed more than 80 papers to international conferences, meetings, and webinars on topics related to materials science, characterization methods, and physics of semiconductors.
• Organized and chaired international conferences.
• Possess several patents.
Information updated 12.2023
Click to download an extended version of my resume.
Present position: Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, till 04.2025
Click to download a list of my publications.
The list is prepared in chronological order. Several not listed papers were published in national journals (Russian, Georgian, and/or Japanese). Upon request, I can send you a copy of the requested paper.
On the right is presented a cover of Physica Status Solidi A journal (vol. 17, 2019) for which a figure from my manuscript was chosen.
You can also watch my latest presentation (Dec. 2023):
Si (a-Si, c-Si, mc-Si, nc-Si, etc.)
Si-Ge, Ge, C
III-V, II-VI, dilute nitrades
Thin films, MQW, bonded wafers
Solar cells, Photonic systems
Experimental methods
Magneto-resonance methods: ESR, EDMR, ODMR, EDSR, ODCR.
Electrical methods: DLTS, LDLTS, ODLTS, Hall effect, SPV, TDDB, TZDB, etc.
Infrared and optical methods: FTIR, RS, PL, PLE
Microscopy: TEM, HRTEM, AFM, EBIC, CL.
Mass Spectrometric methods: SSMS, LSMS, SIMS.
2010 - present
2010 - present
A slideshow, scroll between graphs, click to enlarge.
Key lectures
My data in professional
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2005).
Application of traditional investigation methods for characterization of defects related to modern technologies (2005).
Rod-like defects in silicon: signatures of distinct RLD structures detected by various measurement methods (2006).
Deep level transient spectroscopy for photovoltaics (2011).
PL and DLTS measurements on Si-based PV materials and solar cells (2013).
Photoluminescence for photovoltaics (2011).
Light-induced crystallization for thin silicon films (2012).
Defects, Structures, Methods (2021).
Pros for using MFIA in deep level transient spectroscopy studies (2023)